Saturday, April 13, 2019

Using Social Media to Your Business' Advantage

Why is Social Media Presence important to my business?

Social Media Presence is important to your business because it evens the playing field between you and the large corporations. All you need to do is manage it properly. 

Here is how: 

The R&R’s of Social Media
First, you need to post regular and relative Content. This means that you need to plan to post a consistent number of times each week. How many will be determined on the platform(s) of your choice. Also, make sure to post content that is relevant to your business. 

For example, if you own a jewelry store, don’t post pictures of dirt bikes, and links on how to do DIY projects around your house. Instead post links about how to keep your jewelry clean and pictures of new inventory.

Posting Regular and Relevant Content will ensure that your page stays fresh in the platform of choice’s algorithm and is shown to those who are most likely to interact with it and your page.

Engage with you Fans & Followers
Managing your social media is a lot like running your business, only over the internet. You have to be friendly and add a personal touch. Most of all, you can’t be afraid to Engage with people.

Many Small Business Owners think that the extent of Social Media is to broadcast their hours on a new platform. They very rarely post content, let alone content that will get people to talk to them. However, getting your fans to talk to you is key. If they don’t comment, share, or like your post then it gets downgrade in the Algorithm. Why? Because nobody is interacting with it. 

If you are posting Regular and Relevant Content, then be ready to engage with those who reach out to you! Ask them how they are doing, invite them to come to your shop, tell them your specials, tell them why they are special! Make them feel like they are a personal friend.

Studies show that over 60% of Social Media Users between 18-34 are more likely to purchase goods and services from business they follow on Facebook. In addition, 54% said that they believed that business who focused on engaging their customers online, were more focused on providing their clients better service. 

Food for thought. 

As a person who works within a Small Business, I know just how daunting this can be. Small Business Owners are pressed for time as it is, so how can they possibly achieve a Regular Posting Schedule while also making sure they post Relative Content, and Engage with their fans?

The Solution is simple. Hire a freelance Social Media Manager to help you run your page! NetworkEmpowerment is all about helping Small Business Owners manage their Social Media and Digital Media Presence, while providing Free Custom Quotes!

Visit our website or our Facebook Page for more information.

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